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           Grant Writing?
Searching for grants and funding for your organization can be time consuming and exhausting. Let our team of professionals develop a free funding profile for you and remove some of the guess work!

How do I find Funding?

Many of our clients are always looking for the perfect funding opportunity. Well it's not rocket science, but you need a plan for action! We can show you in 5 easy steps how to secure the perfect funding for your project or organization. No we do not guarantee funding, but we help decrease the obstacles and set you in a position to more than likely be funded!

Do you have?
1. Unique Identifier Number?
2. access?
3. access?
4. E-Verify?


Search Tips

Search Federal, Local and County agencies.
Community Funding sources; Private and Nonprofit businesses. Funding is available, you just have to know where and how to look!

But what good is a search if you do not have the proper credentials?


We can solve that problem for you!!

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